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Deliverables & Milestones
SimpliVi will produce several project deliverables and reach several milestones during the project lifetime.
Name | Dissemination Level | Due Date (month) |
D1.1: Kick-Off Meeting | Sensitive | 2 |
D1.2: Closing Meeting | Sensitive | 24 |
D1.3: Mid-Term progress report | Sensitive | 13 |
D2.1: Recommendations for simplifying cross-border judicial videoconferencing | Public | 24 |
D2.2: Business collaboration for setting up cross-border judicial videoconferencing | Sensitive | 18 |
D2.3: Requirements for adapting European Court Databases | Sensitive | 24 |
D3.1: SimpliVi promotion plan | Sensitive | 6 |
D3.2: e-CODEX Implementation | Public | 24 |
Number | Name | Due Date (month) |
1 | Project Start | 1 |
7 | Promotion plan available | 6 |
3 | Initial input for recommendationsgatheres | 10 |
4 | Initial version of recommendation document created | 12 |
6 | Business workflow drafted | 18 |
5 | Final version of the recommendation document created | 24 |
8 | e-CODEX implementation available | 24 |
2 | Project End | 24 |