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What is SimpliVi ?
Why is it there?
What does it do?
What is SimpliVi?

SimpliVi (Simplifying Cross-Border Judicial Videoconferencing in Europe) is an EU-funded project with the aim of improving cross-border judicial videoconferencing. To achieve this goal the project partners from Austria, Greece, Poland, Germany, Spain and Portugal will analyse the current situation of cross-border judicial videoconferencing, develop recommendations and provide best practise examples from a technical, organisational and legal perspective. Furthermore the project partners will develop an e-CODEX ( implementation to support the workflow of the setup of a cross-border judicial videoconference.

Why is it there?

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only shown the increased need for digitalisation, especially for online meetings, but it has also significantly increased the knowledge and experience about videoconferencing. The pandemic has also boosted new solutions from technical organisational and legal aspects.

Furthermore, the “Regulation for the digitalisation of judicial cooperation” will establish a legal basis for cross-border videoconferencing.

What does it do?

But still, setting up a cross-border, judicial videoconference is perceived as a cumbersome process. The SimpliVi project therefore aims at simplifying this process, by:

Providing hands-on recommendations and best practises

Drafting a standard workflow for the setup of a cross-border videoconference, including standardised forms

Supporting this workflow with an e-CODEX implementation

Drafting recommendations for the European Court Database for additional attributes for cross-border videoconferences

Promotion of project results to increase their adoption in national judicial administration organisations